Cardinal Sins Series 2008 - 2009
In Cardinal Sins, we can observe a true example of the power of human expression. Every subject was selected because you can perceive deep emotions in their faces and connect to them on a personal level. This connection is as individual as the viewer’s experiences, thus, establishing an intimate dialogue for two. A dialogue that will always be different for every viewer who dares stare into their eyes. The colors and the texture added to each portrait were a response to the feeling that emanates from them. For that reason, every piece has a life in itself.

Chromatic Landscapes Series 2008 - 2009
Chromatic Landscapes I use fractal like designs to create chromatic depth, but the landscapes bring you a broader perspective of the power color and texture have over the pictorial plane. They are not constrained to the spherical surface creating a feeling of expanding movement. We can also feel the fragility contained in the organic flowing mass placed in the center which contrast with the granite like texture surrounding it.
Medallions Series 2008 - 2009
The Medallions series compel the viewer to submerge in the undulating formations of it radial design. Some of these pieces resemble fractals in constant movement from the center out. The texture created in Medallions goes from hard stone formations to soft flower petals overlapping each other cohesively. This also gives every piece a great sense of chromatic depth. Light color areas give the viewer a resting pause before continuing the spiral flow around the “disk” surface. You can almost see the colors swirling from the center out and back again forced to be constrained by the disk outer space.
Small Medallions Series 2010-2011